We often forget our furry loved ones can be affected by both heat and sun.  They may run around like they are fine however we need to be the parents and ensure our loved ones are properly supported.

  1. Sunscreen – there are a limited number of sunscreens on the market for dogs – there are often locally made organic ones at local organic food stores so call around to see what is available.  As zinc oxide is toxic to dogs and the main ingredient in most sunscreens we need to use only those sunscreens dogs can use safely as they tend to lick off anything put on the body.  Also be conscious that dogs shouldn’t be licking essential oils. BETTER THAN SUNSCREEN is keeping them covered with hats, t-shirts (when it’s not too hot, this will insulate heat to some extent), and umbrellas.  Find clothing that is comfortable for them so they won’t pull it off and remember that if they have a sore nose or areas of their skin that are exposed those will burn first, be conscious to cover any areas that are healing.
  2. Heat and dogs – if it’s hot outside, make sure your dog is hydrated and out of the direct sun.  Please remember that dogs don’t sweat and panting, while useful for dogs to clear some heat, cannot cool them down when they overheat.  Also, some breeds cannot pant as effectively and tend to overheat faster.  Be sure to know your animal’s needs before you go in the sun.
  3. Per dog haircuts for summer – on average, most dogs need one inch of coat not to sunburn.  Do not trim too close for this reason and do cut hair if it’s hot, it can help a lot with the heat.
  4. Water and dogs – not all dogs are good swimmers and you need to rinse chlorine and salt off dogs after swimming in pools or water with salt in it.  Water that is too cold isn’t good for dogs overheating so keep to cool not cold water.
  5. Three handy things to have at the beach for dogs – a spray bottle with cool, not cold, water; cool water to drink; and shade.

And while everyone has heard it a million times now, we need to remember, NEVER LEAVE ANY ANIMAL IN A CLOSED UP CAR.  It takes a very short time for them to overheat.

Blessings and hope this is helpful! JenSatya

When my dog was having rashes from the sun and he got sick on the steroids from the vet, I reached out to Jen for homeopathic treatment.  Within a week, no more rashes and my little girl was happy as could be.  Even seemed to clear her nasal issues which was a bonus:) I now firmly believe in alternative treatments for her after witnessing it myself.  Took longer (the steroids cleared the rash in an hour but made her throw up too) but it cured.  Thanks!

Claire and Zoey, Watsonville, CA

Homeopathy for Dogs

Homeopathy is often helpful for dogs while healing from too much sun.

It’s important however not to grab over the counter remedies as homeopathics are specific for dogs challenges and all breeds have unique requirements as do dogs in general.

Please ensure to reach out to a homeopath before treating to ensure the safest and most useful options.

For more on homeopathy for animals:  morethanonewaytoheal.com